Masa Pemerintahan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid, (The Reign of President Abdurrahman Wahid )

   Abdurrahman Wahid yang lebih dikenal dengan panggilan Gus Dur terpilih menjadi Presiden Republik Indonesia keempat pads tanggal 20 Oktober 1999. Terpilihnya Gus Dur sebagai presiden tidak terlepas dari keputusan MPR yang menolak laporan pertanggungjawaban Presiden BJ. Habibie. Berkat dukungan partai-partai Islam yang tergabung dalam Poros Tengah, Abdurrahman Wahid mengungguli calon presiden lain yakni Megawati Soekamo Putri dalam pemilihan presiden yang dilakukan melalui pemungutan suara dalam Rapat Paripuma ke-l3 MPR. Megawati Soekamo Putri sendiri terpilih menjadi wakil presiden setelah mengungguli Hamzah Haz dalam pemilihan wakil presiden melalui pemungutan suara pula. la dilantik menjadi Waki} Presiden pada tanggal21 Oktober 1999.            

Perjalanan pemerimahan Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid dalam melanjutkan cita-cita reformasi diawali dengan membentuk Kabinet Persatuan Nasional. Kabinet ini adalah kabinet koalisi dari partai-partai politik yang sebelumnya mcngusung Abdurrahman Wahid menjadi presiden yakni PKB, Golkar, PPP, PAN, PK dan PDI-P. Di awal pemerintahannya, Presiden Abdurrahman Wahid membubarkan dua departemen yakni Departemen Penerangan dan Departemen Sosial dengan alasan perampingan struktur pemerintahan. Selain itu, pemerintah berpandangan bahwa aktivitas yang dilakukan oleh kedua _departemen tersebut dapat ditangani oleh masyarakat sendiri. Dari sudut pandang politik, pembubaran Departemen Penerangan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk melanjutkan reformasi di bidang sosial dan politik mengingat departemen ini merupakan salah satu alat pemerintahan Orde Baru dalam mengendalikan media massa terutama media massa yang mengkritisi kebijakan pemerintah.

Pembubaran Departemen Penerangan dan Sosial diiringi dengan pembentukan Departemen Eksplorasi Laut melalui Keputusan Presiden No. 355/M Tahun 1999 tanggal 26 Oktober 1999. Sedangkan penjelasan mengenai tugas dan fungsi termasuk susunan organisasi dan tata kerja departemen ini tenuang dalam Keputusan Presiden No. 136 tahun 1999 tanggal 10 November 1999. Nama departemen ini berubah menjadi Departemen Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP) berdasarkan Keputusan Presiden No. 165 Tahun 2000 tanggal 23 November 2000.

Pembentukan departemen ini memiliki nilai strategis mengingat hingga masa pemerintahan Presiden Habibie, sektor kelautan
Indonesia yang menyimpan kekayaan sumbcr daya alam besar justru belum mendapat perhatian serius dari pemcrintah scbelumnya. Selain cksplorasi dan eksploitasi sumber daya kelautan, berbagai kegiatan ekonomi yang terkait langsung dengan laut meliputi pariwisata, pengangkutan laut, pabrik dan perawatan kapal dan pengembangan budi daya laut melalui pemanfaatan bioteknologi.

Abdurrahman Wahid, better known as Gus Dur, was elected as the fourth President of the Republic of Indonesia on October 20, 1999. The election of Gus Dur as president was inseparable from the MPR's decision to reject President BJ's accountability report. Habibie. Thanks to the support of Islamic parties who are members of the Central Axis, Abdurrahman Wahid outperformed other presidential candidates namely Megawati Soekamo Putri in the presidential election held through voting at the MPP's 3rd Paripuma Meeting. Megawati Soekamo Putri herself was elected vice-president after surpassing Hamzah Haz in the election of the vice president through voting as well. He was appointed as Waki} President on October 21, 1999.

Into English

The administration of President Abdurrahman Wahid in continuing the ideals of reform began with the formation of the National Unity Cabinet. This cabinet was a coalition cabinet from political parties which previously held Abdurrahman Wahid as president, namely PKB, Golkar, PPP, PAN, PK and PDI-P. At the beginning of his administration, President Abdurrahman Wahid dissolved two departments namely the Ministry of Information and the Ministry of Social Affairs on the grounds of streamlining the government structure. In addition, the government believes that the activities carried out by the two departments can be handled by the community itself. From a political point of view, the dissolution of the Information Department was one of the efforts to continue reforms in the social and political fields, considering that this department was one of the tools of the New Order government in controlling the mass media, especially the mass media that criticized government policy.

Dissolution of the Ministry of Information and Social Affairs was accompanied by the establishment of the Marine Exploration Department through Presidential Decree No. 355 / M of 1999 dated October 26, 1999. Whereas an explanation of duties and functions including the organizational structure and work procedures of this department is included in Presidential Decree No. 136 of 1999 dated November 10, 1999. The name of this department was changed to the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (DKP) based on Presidential Decree No. 165 of 2000 dated November 23, 2000.

The formation of this department has strategic value considering that during the administration of President Habibie, the marine sector

Indonesia, which has a large wealth of natural resources, has not received serious attention from the previous government. In addition to exploring and exploiting marine resources, various economic activities directly related to the sea include tourism, sea transportation, factories and ship maintenance and the development of marine cultivation through the use of biotechnology.


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